Admission Process

Windham Learning Tree Academy
Join Us
The Windham Learning Tree Academy is happy to welcome students with enthusiasm to learn, grow, play and become an active member in our community. Acceptance is based on available space and an interview by an Admissions Committee member, with priority placement given to siblings of current and past Academy students.
For parents and caregivers considering the Windham Learning Tree Academy for their children, we recommend the following process to secure your space at the Academy :
- Review the website: Determine if the program you are considering and the philosophies of our school match with your goals for your child.
- Schedule a visit: Contact us to schedule a time to visit with your child so that you can both experience what the Academy has to offer and ensure that it is a placement everyone is comfortable with. After your tour you will meet with the Director or an Admissions Committee member for a short interview to determine if the Academy is the right choice for your child.
- Submit application and fee: After your tour and interview, please complete a Schedule Request Form and the Admissions Application and submit it with a non-refundable $100 registration fee. This will begin the registration process.
- Creation Acceptance Notification: Families of students will receive a welcome letter noting their acceptance at the Academy and the program schedule that has been reserved for the upcoming academic year.
Admissions Packet
The Admissions Packet includes all forms needed to register your child for the Academy. Forms may be printed and completed manually, or submitted online by using the Submit Form button in Adobe Acrobat Reader.
Individual Application Forms
The following forms are available for individual download. Forms may be printed and completed manually, or submitted online by using the Submit Form button in Adobe Acrobat Reader.